Ruby Lioness Press

All posts tagged Ruby Lioness Press

Writing…a busy life!

Published July 15, 2012 by Lorraine Nelson - Author

Tomorrow is my birthday!

Now, at my age, you don’t normally broadcast the fact, but I’ve earned every one of my gray hairs. LOL Although, I must say, my life is more fulfilling since I started writing again. This birthday I actually want to celebrate and I’m doing so by presenting a little surprise to my readers.

Evernight Publishing has agreed to let me hold a one day sale. That’s right! Tomorrow, July 16th, all four Thunder Creek Ranch books are on sale for only $1.99 each! That’s quite a savings! So if you’ve started the series, or are wanting to read about my sexy cowboys, tomorrow is the time to buy. This is my way of saying thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me on this journey. I love you all! I’m currently working on Book 5 of my Thunder Creek Ranch series and hope to submit it for publication soon.

I’ve been so busy writing, editing, promoting, writing, editing, and promoting, that I hardly have time to breathe these past few months. On top of that, I blog, try to keep my website up to date, and edit for others.

Bad Boy Blake is finally finished and subbed to Ruby Lioness Press. Next up, I have a trilogy to write for RLP, contracted on proposal. Not sure I like writing to a deadline, but I’ll see how it pans out.

I also won a pitch with Harlequin Intrigue and the editor requested a partial. It’s almost ready to go. Fingers crossed. They have a terrific distribution system and guaranteed sales. 🙂

Blessed Homecoming is my 9th release since Oct/2011. I also have releases in August, September, and November, plus Book 5 and maybe 6 in there somewhere for my TCR series with Evernight.

The Hudson trilogy is scheduled for release in Jan, March, and May, 2013, with the print edition of Bad Boy Blake also releasing in May.

Add to that, school’s out and my oldest grandson is allowed to visit more. Love him dearly, but when he’s here, he’s MY boy, wanting all of Grandmom’s attention. He just turned 8 and we had a party for him Friday.

So life won’t be slowing down for me anytime soon. Wish me luck and don’t forget to follow my virtual blog tour for a chance to win Blessed Homecoming, my first inspirational romantic suspense.

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Spotlight on Tara Chevrestt!!!

Published July 14, 2012 by Lorraine Nelson - Author

It’s my pleasure to help Tara celebrate her newest release through Ruby Lioness Press, Maiden Behind the Mask. Tara has edited all my books through BP and in the process we’ve become firm friends. I enjoy her sense of humor and her down to earth responses to life and its idiosyncrasies. Tara’s writing is varied and eclectic, but very, very good. If you haven’t read one of her books yet, what’s stopping you? 🙂


When Catalina Rodriguez is attacked by a would-be rapist and rescued by the dashing Ricardo Garcia, she not only becomes more aware of the handsome man, but also vows that she’ll never be a damsel in distress again. Using the timeless method of blackmail, she convinces her uncle to teach her to fight and becomes a masked crusader in the night, saving other damsels from robbers and rough handling.

However, scandalous rumors and dwindling funds force Ricardo and Catalina to marry. Not immune to each other’s charms, their marriage starts fiery, but when one of Catalina’s nightly escapades results in dire consequences, she is forced to spurn her husband’s amorous advances…or reveal a secret that could turn him away from her forever.

Ricardo’s not a man to be cuckolded or left in the dark. Is his wife having an affair with El Capitan, the masked savior? If so…they will both pay.  

Sexy Excerpt:

Ricardo began to back her toward the large bed in the center of the room, still devouring her mouth with his own. He stepped away from her long enough to undo the ties at his breeches, watching her for any sign of fright or doubt. Only desire and curiosity shone in her dark eyes. He had barely tugged on his ties when his rigid manhood sprang out of its confines and into the open air. Slightly embarrassed he hadn’t been smoother in his disrobing, he struggled to come up with some reassuring words of nonsense and love.

But his bride surprised him yet again.

“Well,” she said with a smile, “that hombre is saying olé, loud and clear.”

He blinked, his rigidness clutched in his hand, not knowing whether to laugh at the joke or be offended as their wedding night wasn’t a time for laughing and his manhood was certainly nothing to jest about! But as Catalina offered him a smile—a smile so sweet, how could he but forgive her?—and stepped forward to replace his hand with her own. Aye, Dios Mio! I could fall in love with this woman. I could get drunk on her charms every night.

And as his breeches fell to the floor and her fingers found his buttocks, he decided he was, indeed, drunk, and he hadn’t had a drop of tequila. He wasn’t going to need it.
Author Bio:

Tara Chevrestt is a deaf woman, former aviation mechanic, writer, and an editor. She is most passionate about planes, motorcycles, dogs, and above all, reading. That led to her love of writing. Between her writing and her editing, which allows her to be home with her little canine kids, she believes she has the greatest job in the world. She is very happily married.

Tara also writes as Sonia Hightower. Sonia writes the racy stuff and argues that she was here first. She just wasn’t allowed to be unleashed until the last year.

While Tara and Sonia continue to fight over the laptop and debate who writes the next book, you can find buy links, blurbs, and other fun bits on their website: or their Facebook page:

New Contract, New Cover, & A Print Book!

Published May 27, 2012 by Lorraine Nelson - Author

Life has been truly busy this past week and totally exciting!


I have new cover art for Love on the Rocks, releasing August 10th through Breathless Press. Mina Carter, the graphic artist, did a terrific job. She even found a picture of one of my favorite places, The Rocks at Hopewell Cape, a local tourist attraction, the spot where this story begins…and ends. Isn’t this a gorgeous cover?!!!




I am so excited to announce that Zakia and the Cowboy is now available in print! Yeehaw!!! My very first print book!!! How cool is that!

Zakia and the Cowboy won its silver star at ARe within 3 days of release. It went on to become a Featured Title there for 3 weeks! It gained a lot of recognition as Book of the Month for December at the TBR Pile review site and was up for Book of the Year. It had the most votes, but, all things considered, another book won. Thank you, my friends, for making this book so popular. Love you all!

Available at:

Bad Boy Blake sold to Ruby Lioness Press on proposal and is coming along nicely, as is Book 5 in my Thunder Creek Ranch series, Cameron’s Quest. Hope to submit both within the next couple of weeks.And to top off the week, I just signed three new contracts. My Hudson Ranch Trilogy was picked up by Ruby Lioness Press on proposal. Benjamin, Gabriel, and Nathan will be moving to Clearwater, WY, as part of the Clearwater series. I have some major writing to do in the next few months. 🙂

I’ve started booking my blog tours for five new releases coming out  June 15th, July 13th, August 10th, September 7th, and November 2nd. If you’re interested in hosting me on your blog, please leave a comment and I’ll get back to you with the dates needed.

Until I see you again, happy writing and reading!

New Contract!!!

Published April 30, 2012 by Lorraine Nelson - Author

Hi, folks!

This has been a fantastic weekend!

 Bad Boy Blake, my contemporary romantic suspense, has found a home.

Just signed a contract with Ruby Lioness Press.

They are fairly new to the publishing world…a small publisher with big ideas and I’m happy to be part of their team. Marissa Dobson heads it up and is backed by marketing and review experience.

She’s constantly on the look-out for new and exciting books. If you have a manuscript wasting away on your hard drive, send it in. It just may be what she’s looking for. 🙂